Whether you’re a bootstrapped start-up or an enterprise marketing department, you usually have a budget, and everyone too often it just doesn’t seem to be enough.
But sometimes you’ll get something for nothing. Sometimes there is a tool, network, platform, or service that does not cost you a thing, and while the tools are rare infrequent, usually there are quite a couple of social media tools that qualify as Good tools too.
So today, we’re getting to re-evaluate a number of our favorites. You’ll have a couple of yourself already or have a minimum of heard of them but if you’re like most social marketers, you aren’t even on the brink of having all of them. Let’s fix that.
So, here are the nine free social media marketing tools you would like to possess. And yes, they’re free.
1. Twitter Analytics report
You work hard at Twitter. You are carefully selecting your 140 characters, use strategically selected hashtags, and curate super-targeted Twitter lists. How’s that understanding for you?
If you don’t know the answer to my innocent question, you’ll want to benchmark the success of your Twitter account. The Twitter Analytics Tool allows you to see your success against your top competitors.
Within seconds, you’ll compare the strength of your audience (both in terms of quality and quantity), publishing, and engagement.
If you’re a social media manager, it’s an excellent tool to provide data to your client for a social media audit.
2. Google Trends
Google Trends is an entirely free tool that Google created to help anyone search for trending topics online.
Brands use it to watch notable things that are happening within the world. Many professionals use this as a way to discover and share information related to what’s most popular right now.
You can also use Google Trends to watch keywords to ascertain if they’re trending and the way their current volume compares to previous months and years. You can then use this information to tell your content and social media marketing strategy.
3. Facebook Timeline Contest Manager
Engaging Facebook fans with great content may be much labor. Creating compelling content that will generate likes, comments, and shares are even harder.
So why not cash in of that motivation and frequently organize a contest on your page to offer away freebies and temporary discounts and promotions? Because organizing a contest on Facebook is time-consuming and complicated? Well, it can be, but with the free Timeline Contest Manager, it’s free and effortless to manage.
You can organize and manage a quiz, a photography contest, or easy sweepstakes during a matter of minutes, and accurately pick your winners in one click. Uber easy!
No more excuses to not divulge T-shirts, stickers, or other low-value prizes daily to your fans. Plus, it’s bound to generate high engagement.
4. Ad Espresso Facebook Ads Compass
RnD Technosoft isn’t the sole player within the Facebook space. Ad Espresso features a good offering of its own.
The Facebook Ads Compass will review your page, judging the standard metrics (engagement, reach, return on ad spend). You’ll even see where you’re making the foremost money in terms of gender, age, and more. Meaning you’ll reduce your 50–75 investment if it’s not delivering a healthy return, diverting it to the 18–30 bracket that does.
The Ads Compass also looks at what placements are serving you best, like newsfeed or sidebar. You’ll further optimize your campaigns in this manner, making the foremost of each Facebook dollar.
5. Headline Analyzer
Writing headlines isn’t the simplest thing if you’re not a writer. And albeit you’re, headline writing isn’t an equivalent as academic or creative writing?—?or maybe copywriting sometimes. They will be hard to urge right.
And an honest headline will assist you to get more shares on Social Media, without a doubt.
So, we wish to cash in of CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer tool.
Just type in your headline and let it do the remainder. It’ll check out your keywords, the length of your headline, emotional value, and so on. It’s fast and straightforward, thanks to getting a way of whether it’ll work or not.
6. Tagboard
Hashtags have moved beyond Twitter. They’re the keywords of social media, and you ought to be listening to them.
Still, it is often hard to get hashtags across multiple networks. You’ll find them on Twitter, in fact, but they’re present on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest too. Tagboard makes it easy.
Just look for a hashtag, and Tagboard will display the pages and profiles it’s on, regardless of the social network it happens to be. From there, you’ll find out who your most vocal customers are and strategize around them.
7. Easel.ly
Infographics perform well. People like images and other people like stats. It only is sensible they’d like them together.
The trouble is, creating infographics takes a touch talent. You can’t just build an honest one in 5 minutes with only a cursory knowledge of Photoshop. You’ve got to know something about graphic design honestly.
Or have an Easel.ly account.
It makes creating infographics easy so that everybody can roll in the hay. Consider it like Instagram. You almost certainly don’t have the time or expertise to feature creative filters to your photos, so you switch to Instagram to try to it for you. Easel.ly is the same way with infographics.
Just start with a template and add the statistics, objects, and charts you would like. That’s it.
8. Canva
Another fantastic tool that absolutely every brand or business online should realize is Canva.
Many times social media managers and marketers got to be ready to create beautiful images without a designer. It’s what makes up part of a great social media strategy. Canva is the tool, so many marketers rely on for making great-looking social media images quickly. You can use the ready-made templates, icons, and illustrations to make your images look professional without having to do much of the actual design work.
Canva has an easy to use drag-and-drop interface plus a massive library of over two million graphic elements.
9. Bit.ly
Last but not least, we’ve Bit.ly, the de facto link shortener of choice. You’ve probably heard of it you almost certainly even have an account yourself but if not, you ought to start using it.
Just take Twitter. You’ve got 140 characters to figure. That’s it. Simply put, if you would like to incorporate links, your tweets which you ought to whenever you’ll they need to be short. And often, you’ve got to shorten them yourself.
Just paste your link in, shorten it, and paste it where you would like it.
Sometimes, it is sensible to buy a tool. There are excellent tools, and it’s hard to form money without spending a touch first. Still, you don’t have and admittedly shouldn’t buy everything. Not once you have numerous exceptional free tools to figure with, just like the nine here.
That said, allow us to know what social media tools you wish the foremost. Did we get all of them on our list? Are they free, or are they paid? Allow us to know during a comment!